Donna M. Eipperle
MSgt (Ret)
- Oct 11, 2012
I was sad to hear that Donna passed away, and at a young 51, we will miss you Donna.
Dave Fink
MSgt (Ret)
15 May 1946 - 9 Feb 2012
(Awaitng information) |
Dan Gardner
(Awaitng information) |
Jerry Egan
USAF (Ret)
- Jun 20, 2011
2ACCS - 1980-1985, 1989-1995 |
Mark Allen
USAF (Ret)
- Jun 14, 2011 |

Carter, Mark A.,
Maj. USAF (Ret)
Jun 10, 1959 - Oct 1, 2009
Passed away at Ft. Smith, AR. Born Ellsworth AFB, SD, his 21 years service with the USAF included Navigator on Looking Glass, Offutt AFB, NE, Navigator at Bangor ME; editor of Air Force Torch Safety magazine, Randolph AFB, TX; taught English at the Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO. Mark was a graduate of Bellevue High School, the University of Nebraska-Omaha, received a Masters in English from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He put up a courageous fight against MS for the past 12 years |

William T. Snow
(Colonel, USAF, Retired)
I received an E-Mail from his wife Brenda
that Bill passed away suddenly on 10 Feb 2005 of a aneurysm.
Brenda, from the 2ACCS and Looking Glass family, our condolences. |
Ann F. Billau
(Senior Master Sergeant, USAF, Ret.)
(Getting picture)
I am sad to pass on to all that
Ann Billau passed away 6 Dec 03.
Ann trained to be a Post Attack Command and Control Communications
technician. She was a Student, Qualified Line Flyer, Instructor,
Standardization and Evaluation Evaluator, Non-Commissioned Officer in
Charge of the standardization and evaluation section and NCOIC of the
In-Flight Maintenance Technicians. While serving as an in-flight
Airborne Radio Maintainer, she logged more than 6000 flying hours aboard
the EC-135 "LOOKING GLASS" Strategic Air Command airborne command post and
the Commander-in-Chief Pacific "BLUE EAGLE" airborne command post.
On a personal note, I would like to pass on a memory I have
of Ann. After flying with Ann and knowing her interest in reading
and with trains, I ran across a article and picture in the Omaha World
Herald of Ann sitting on a flatbed railroad car. She had told them
she had always been interested in trains and felt comfortable at the rail
yards relaxing and reading. The next time we flew together, I pulled
out the article and went to the communications compartment. As
normal, she was working away keeping all the equipment up and running.
I tapped her on her shoulder, as she was turning around, I said "Hey, what
is a famous person like you doing in a place like this, can I get your
autograph please"? I handed her the article and she laughed.
Ann and I talked a lot on our flights and became good friends. I am
proud to have known her, flown with her, and to have called her my friend.
To her husband Rick, her son Chris, and the family and friends of a former
Crew Dog of the
"LOOKING GLASS", Ann F Billau, our condolences, she will be missed!

John Baker
(Lieutenant Colonel, USAF Ret.)
Seen here with Clint Eastwood during the filming of FIREFOX.
I am sad to pass on to you all
that John Baker passed away on 23 May 03.
John Baker joined the 2ACCS family as a SIOP Advisor. He quickly
moved up to take over the SIOP Advisor Branch. After that he moved
up to be the Chief, Battle Staff Operations of the 2ACCS. |

Michael P. Anderson (Lieutenant
Colonel, USAF)
NASA Astronaut
In 1986 he was selected to
attend Undergraduate Pilot Training at Vance AFB, Oklahoma. Upon
graduation he was assigned to the 2nd Airborne Command and Control
Squadron (2ACCS), Offutt AFB Nebraska as an EC 135 pilot, flying the
Strategic Air Commands Airborne Command Post (SACABNCP) code-named
"Looking Glass".
To the family and friends of a
former Crew Dog of the "Looking Glass", LtCol Michael P. Anderson, my
condolences. As it is always the case,
we never really get to say thanks to someone who took care of us while we
flew on the "Looking Glass". As a pilot, LtCol Anderson ensured we
were safe during all phases of the "Looking Glass" mission. He will
be missed. |